
HD Wallpapers

Customize your screen with huge HD Wallpapers Collection!

  • Regular updates
  • Huge choice of wallpapers
  • Easy to use
  • For every phone

Here you will find a big collection of amazing HD wallpapers that will provide you with pleasant background for your phone.

We offer:
-Regular updates
-A huge choice of beautiful wallpapers. Such cathegories as fruit, nature, space, scenery, music, abstract, urban scenes are available
-A very user-friendly interface and a simple navigation
-You will be able to install the chosen wallpaper directly from the application
-You don't need to download the images
-Wallpapers fit every phone screen resolution

To set the image as wallpaper on your device just click on the item in the list and you will see it full-size. Click on the button "SET WALLPAPER" at the bottom of the screen and that's all!

You may add the wallpapers that you like most to Favourite to get an easy access to them. Just click the heart-shape button in full-size mode. The second click on this button will remove the image from the Favourite list

The application uses minimum resourses of your phone and is completely free of charge!

You gonna enjoy this app!